
Showing posts from November, 2017


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                       HAPPY DEEVALI ! First of all, Happy Deepavali to all indian freinds! On this special day we are all granted with a day of public holiday in order to celebrate this festival. However i am bounded by a lot of projects and works that is to be done as soon as possible so instead of mourning that we still need to do our works on this day i would like to think that it is a given opportunity for us to have extra time to complete our work. So if i haven't make myself very clear, this day are possibly nothing much to talk about beside how i manage my works with my groupmates HAHA ! However, looking at the bright side of this day, in the midst of all the hardwork i took a break out to have tea time with friends. And upon hearing that there is a new cafe launching in Kota Damansara which is called Petztopia, we decided to try it out ! So, this is the pet cafe that is located at Kota Damansara the second flo...


BLOGGER VS WORDPRESS  Since Google now owns Blogger, the company offers plenty of Google built-in features, like Adwords, Adsense and Analytics, making the site extremely useful for novice bloggers.Originally started in 1999, Blogger was one of the first user-friendly interfaces for bloggers. Pyra Labs, Blogger’s original creators, started this small company in San Francisco in the middle of the rise of the dot com. After a few years, the company started generating more users and traffic. By 2002, they were pulling in several hundred thousand users. After they were purchased by Google, the site didn’t change much, and they specialize in an interface that is easy to use for bloggers who do not need a ton of bells and whistles.   WordPress started in 2003 with a single bit of code to enhance the typography of everyday writing and with fewer users than you can count on your fingers and toes. Since then it has grown to be the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the worl...